Don't Be...SCARED!

Because I have something to offer you...

No tricks, just treats...But first, I thought I would show you some really spooky stuff...

How adorable are these? I was in McDonough, Georgia recently snooping around in some antique stores and found these precious Halloween witches and vintage style decorations.

I just love the tilt and lilt of this little witch...looking as though a spell has been cast on her.

This old crow below did scare me a bit...but I dig the old typewriter on which he is perched. I know my friend Grace would covet that vintage typing machine. You should see her collection.

This past weekend I was participating in an outdoor art show {I really do not do many of these ~ now I know why} and although it had been raining here all week long, buckets and buckets of rain, it was not predicted to rain on Saturday. Therefore, the show went on as planned...until the drizzle became sprinkles and the sprinkles became rain drops and drips all over my art work. {I was even having a good hair day.} UGH! I packed up after about an hour {this was supposed to be an all day show} called my husband for some help and when he showed up, looked at him with the understanding that we both knew what we wanted...margaritas, chips and salsa at the local Mexican restaurant.
I was done.

Needless to say, I did not sell much in that brief and damp period of time.
Therefore, my offer is not tricks or treats, but this:

For a limited time in my Etsy and ArtFire shops I will be offering my photographs two for $50 or $30 each as they are currently priced and no secondary shipping charge. This was what I was selling them for at the show, and since I have some inventory left I want to continue the offer through the holidays. None of these photographs are rain damaged ~ they are in perfect condition, professionally printed in a photo laboratory, matted to 8" x 10", and wrapped in acid free sleeves. Included in this group is some new work that has not been listed before now. I hope you will be able to take some time to visit my galleries.
You may just find the perfect gift for someone or for yourself.

Ciao amici,